Monday, September 4, 2017

Summer's End

The weather has shifted noticeably in the past while, though I can't pin down just when it happened.  I've found myself tracking down warmer clothes for the children and myself, and sewing things with long sleeves.  That girl in the corner is going to need a much longer nightgown than last year.  I wondering if the piece of flannel I have will work!  I'll figure out something.

Holiday weekends in the Summer are special, when we all get to be together for more than two days.  There has been a mood of slowing down, for sure.  We took at walk up at the Snail Place last night, all five of us. You can see that trees are changing, and that the wind over the weekend brought down lots of leaves and nuts.   

The morning really felt almost like a Winter one on Saturday.  It was so strange!  It's time to get started on my day, so I will wish you all a Happy Labor Day!


  1. That sounds like a lovely long weekend. So glad you all got to be together and enjoy it. I remember your legendary hickory nut pie! :)

    1. Yes, it was nice. :-) The pie! The nuts are so oily, it almost pooled up in the pan. I think I could have left out the butter!
