Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Crafting On :: Dresses for Sisters

Ahhh, to be three again!  Despite Laurel's pained expression, she and Willow are quite pleased with their new dresses. Hers is Simplicity New Look 6581 and Willow's is Simplicity Daisy Kingdom 0602. It was so helpful to be given some girls' dress patterns in the girl's sizes this Summer.  The styles are fairly similar, with Willow's having an additional ruffle on the bottom.  Her pattern included a pinafore, and that may happen later on.  My list of things to sew is pretty long and I am plodding along.

I added elasticized cuffs and a zipper to Laurel's dress, to make it easier on the seamstress and the model.  I made some simple changes to the inner workings of Willow's collar, as well.  I think I will make future versions of her dress more like Laurel's in construction.  My skills now allow me to use patterns as recipes, or starting points, and to make changes where I see it would be helpful.  I guess I could have done that, all along, and I did change lengths on things, but I now have more confidence in my abilities.

I'm working on a night shirt for Roan right now, lengthening the boys' pajama pattern I have (Butterick 2341).  I hope to get it done today, since the nights are staying cool.  There's a good breeze blowing, too, which is so welcome.

For more crafting, visit Frontier Dreams.


  1. Oh, how precious! I love these! I can tell by Willow's smile that she loves them, too. :) Very similar to Elizabeth's "pioneer dress" (or Laura Ingalls dress), which she loves to wear and play in. Sewing still makes me nervous, but I have had to alter length and fit on nearly everything I have made for Elizabeth, whether I like it or not. I guess it has built my confidence somewhat.

    1. Thanks! Yes, it does remind me of her dress. Zippers make me nervous. I sewed Laurel's in by hand because I know how fast sewing machines can go and how fabric can shift without permission.

    2. My pattern called for a zipper, too, but I adapted it to use buttons to make it more pioneer like, in case she got to wear it at the museum for something. I have only ever made a zippered pouch - it made me very nervous, too!

  2. Wow they are lovely and as you say you have good sewing skills! :-) Willow looks really pleased with herself - a little lady :-) Very sweet. I stay clear of zippers if at all possible too! Lovely work Brandy!

    1. Thank you! Yes, she is pleased--she wanted a dress to match her hat. :-)

  3. Oh how sweet - they're pure Laura Ingalls in the loveliest possible way!

    1. Thank you! I was just thinking of your blog the other day. I will have to check in. :-)
