Saturday, April 15, 2017

Spring Mornings

The Spring mornings are quieter than those of Winter.  The time shift helps with that, and it's a help to me, morning person that I am.  I really enjoy a some time to myself to start the day.  I know that it helps that everyone is simply exhausted at the end of each day, in the best way.  Spring and Summer days are so full that it can be a challenge to choose what to do, when all the world is bursting with life.  I guess that is why our school routine is more flexible (or more easily led astray) this time of year.

We took a walk to see some tulips yesterday.  I've never been a big fan of them, but the children are absolutely enchanted.  One house has well over a hundred, maybe two hundred, and another has some so big they could hold several tulips in their blooms.  You can see the children's excitement spilling over to me.  Every step, it seemed, held new wonders yet before unseen.  Trees with hollow places, fairy houses, blooming dogwoods, a light green coming over the land.  I can see tulip bulbs being added to our Autumn plans.

It's been hot this week--upper seventies and mostly sunny.  We got a bit of rain, but not much.  Things are still pretty lush outside and the small wet-weather streams are flowing, but I feel wary of the Summer ahead.  I'm savoring every drop of rain and always hoping for more.  It will be handy that next week is going to be rainy--we need it to help focus our energy inside and to feed the few seeds we have planted.

I've got some sewing planned for this Easter weekend, along with a picnic, and a few Easter surprises.  Everyone is excited for tomorrow.


  1. You changed your quote up there!

    I'm glad for quieter mornings for you. We've got everyone waking up earlier because of the sun!

    1. You noticed! I wanted one that pertained to our mountains. :-) I expected all the cheery birds would wake folks up, but so far, so good!

  2. Yes I noticed you must get up early when you comment at mine! That must be lovely having that quiet time to yourself before everyone else rises. Enjoy it! I have always been enchanted by tulips like your children. :-)
