Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Ephemerals


We hunted eggs only once this year, entirely losing one egg that I had decorated.  It had the sun rising over the mountains on it, such a pretty one, but it is simply gone (and I hid them!).  By lunchtime, the children were peeling them and eating them, content to let them be dedicated to the memories.  That is Spring in a nutshell, right?  Such a brief flurry of activity before giving way to the long-lasting green of Summer.

After lunch at home, we drove up Big Tumbling Creek to see the flowers.  It's always so good to be out among the thousands of trilliums that bloom there every year.  I guess it is our first real glimpse of green for the year, now that I consider it.  And how green it was!  We were all a little grumpy and hesitant at the start, with storm clouds overhead and rain falling, but it was so good to get out and walk.  We all quickly found the Spirit of Adventure and took off.

Roan was especially excited about the fiddleheads.  I don't think he had noticed them before, but we had talked about them here at home.  Overall, he was clearly so interested in everything around him.  His knowledge of the natural world is just in its beginnings, but he has a strong hold on it already.  (Please allow me to brag and feel proud.)

The flowers, wet from the rain, really were so lovely.  I only wish I could have gotten a good photo of them in a big group, though I know I have taken many in the past.  The landscape is such that it is fairly steep, so we were standing on a road cut down below most of them nearly every place we were.

Since we decided to spend some part of our weekends in nature, it has been something to really look forward to.  It does require us to separate from our usual routines, but it is always worth it.  It has added a new kind of abundance to our lives--the thought that we have so many public lands that we can visit, a plethora of places to choose from.  I've got more photos to share, but I'll save those for another day.  I need to spend a little time planning a trip to some wild places in WV. 

Happy Monday!


  1. Great picture of the kiddos! Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you! Yes, it captures their personalities. ;-) Happy Easter to you all, too!
