Monday, November 13, 2017

A Lantern Walk

A whole fleet, flock, herd of lanterns this year.  We were joined by our friends and their daughter for our Martinmas lantern walk.  It felt like such a crowd of us, meandering up the street at night.

We sang our usual songs and chatted a little, glad for the social time.  The little girls had battery-powered tea lights, which was just perfect.  I think we should do this at sunset next year, note to self.

We didn't stop in at any houses this time around, but we were passed by plenty of cars.  I have a feeling I'll have to take another walk this evening, and I wouldn't mind a bit.  Maybe I'll try for sunset.

We returned home to potato soup and some play time for the children.  They seemed to have more fun as the hour wore on, while we mothers were wilting at the end of the day.  Social naptime--that's something I never though I would want. ;-)

I set all the lanterns on our new piano (having folded down the music stand).  I couldn't get a clear shot, but that's how good memories are, soft around the edges.  I don't think we'd have it any other way.

Here are some links for this time of year--it's not too late to have your own lantern walk.

Lighting the Way with Martinmas
A Tired Mother's Impression of Martinmas
Lantern Walk Songs


  1. So many lanterns! They look beautiful. I can only imagine the sight they all made on the walk. Sounds like you had a magical evening. :)

    1. Thank you. It was nice to have eight this year.

  2. Lovely post Brandy with beautiful evocative photos- mine are always a lot less clear! Sounds like a special night. Thanks for sharing 🌈

    1. Thank you. My husband took the photos of the walk and he did a great job. :-)
