Wednesday, June 7, 2017


It feels funny to drop out of everyday life, but we've had to just that around here.  We came home, joyfully, to develop strep throat, the whole lot of us.  Bless our hearts, we are generally such healthy people that this is the first time the children or I have had it.  Oh, my, I have never known something like it, despite my varied life experiences.  But, anyway, we are trying to mend ourselves with medicine and lots of rest.  And look--sunshine!  We saw it!  (Though it seems like a lifetime ago now.)

I'm declaring this The Year of The Daisy.  Last year it was roses, so many roses.  I'm hoping this is the year I learn to make a proper daisy chain for a crown.  Our final care-taking trip out to the Old Davis Homeplace was full of daisies and all the lush greenery that June affords.  Nature is truly awake now.

We've ventured out into the yard a little bit.  It is all still waiting there for us.  I was glad to see that we are not dripping with over-ripe raspberries and blueberries.  The weather has been so mild this week--it was near forty this morning.  Next week will bring mid-eighties for the highs, but I feel hopeful that we will be ready for it. 


  1. Oh no poor you and your family. That sounds horrible! I hope you will all soon be on the mend and can enjoy the sunshine again. The daisies are bountiful here too - such a happy sight they are. Warmest wishes Anna

    1. Thank you. We are inching our way there. Our daisies from Saturday are still lovely.

  2. Oh no from me as well. The suffering you must be going through. Your positivity is inspiring. Get well. Take care.

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement. :-)

  3. Strep on this side of the mountain, too... I am quite old and never had anything like it... Feel better soon! Matty
