Thursday, May 10, 2018


I arise from rest with movements
swift as the beat of a raven's wings.
I arise to meet the day.

My face is turned from the dark of night
to gaze at the dawn of day,
now whitening in the sky.

~Iglulik Eskimo Poem :: Wassail! Wassail!  Early American Christmas Music

So many beautiful sunrises this week.  I have been listening to a lot of Glen Hansard and The Swell Season lately.  He's a wonderful live performer, and somewhere he said that happy days are often blank in journals.  I do some private writing these days, but I completely understand what he says.  There are things that are so hard to put into words.  All the same, I've felt some documentation was essential.  Pardon my silence and poetry, but know that I am so very happy.


  1. Happy days ARE often blank in journals, and I'm SO happy you are happy. <3

    1. Thank you! I'm trying to keep track of them, best as I can. I don't want to lose them. <3

  2. Ah so glad to hear you are happy and what beautiful evocative photos. Here's to the dawn of something new and beautiful ❤️ Sometimes happy days just resonate within and fill us, so there is no need to fill pages with them. 🙂
