Monday, December 4, 2017

The First Light

The first Sunday of Advent has passed now, and things still feel a long way off.  I guess they are not--it's three weeks from today that Christmas begins in earnest.  The weather has been warmer the past week or so, but we are expecting a very icy blast to come blowing in tomorrow night.  I'm ready for it, and I need some dark, gloomy weather.  I think of this time of year as a time of drawing inward, so I'm not quite feeling settled into the mood of Advent yet. 

I have had a feeling of holding off this year, of letting Christmas come slowly.  The gifts are coming along, both the purchases and homemade items, but my spirit has not followed suit.  I guess I'm saving my enthusiasm for the Twelve Days, instead of obsessing about all the preparations.  The big moon was a help, though.  I really love long nights and short days.  I don't guess I have too much to say lately, just a lot to think about.  Here are some things for listening, if you have enjoyed Lynn Jericho's Inner Christmas messages for the Twelve Holy Nights.


  1. I love your pretty Advent wreath. We sometimes hang ours from the ceiling - I can't decide what we are doing this year. We are a bit behind with the wreath, understandably. I hope you get your wintry weather! :)

    1. Thank you! I got it a church sale, so it was probably used there years ago. I tried real greenery, but that is advance floral arranging for me. :-D Your snow photos are enough to keep me going until we get ours!
