Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Crafting On :: Tying Up Loose Ends

Just in the nick of time, shepherds came to visit the Holy Family.  I made the bodies, heads, and hats last year, but ran out of steam.  I squirreled them away, thinking I could add to Roan's Nativity each year.  It was a great plan!  They are a happy pair.  I used the instructions from The Nature Corner.  We set them out a bit ahead of schedule, since we are expecting company in a couple days.  Roan didn't mind a bit.

Here's the next leaf-edged scarf.  It went beautifully and I definitely have an almost no-brainer formula worked out for making another one for myself.  Some time.  There is still one thing left to make, but I've got time. 

And now, well, time to work on supper.  Happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve!  (The children love to say it that way.)

For more crafting, visit Frontier Dreams.


  1. Well done. That all looks beautiful. Hope your husband likes his hat. Looks lovely and bright and cosy! Sweet shepherds too! Merry Christmas Brandy! Enjoy it all ��❤️��

    1. Thanks! I sent him and photo and he was pleased, even though it cancels the surprise. ;-) Merry Christmas!

  2. The shepherds are adorable, and I love the beautiful colors in the knitted cap. Your family is lucky to have you & all this handmade goodness!

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping for kings next year. :-) Mike was pleased with his hat.
