Friday, November 10, 2017

Fog on the Mountain

 Fog is the theme lately, it seems.  The world is covered in icy crystals down here in the valley and I am betting there is rime ice up high, once more.  Rime ice is, of course, frozen fog that drifts by and catches on things.  Yesterday, though, fog and mud.  We'd had plans for Raccoon Branch, but opted to go up high, instead.  The rain overalls and boots were still a help, and the children enjoyed a different kind of romp in the woods.

I think I feel foggy, in general, lately.  We've been in the thick of birthdays and guests and school and leaf piles.  We're also getting a piano tomorrow morning.  Wish us luck on the move--it's only going one block, but it is the trip out of one house and into ours that will be the challenge.  It all feels so messy to me, and I am ready for a little quiet and order.  I've been looking around the house, trying out new furniture arrangements and taking out clutter, hoping everything will fit. 


  1. Fog in the mountains is so beautiful. I hope you get a slower pace and some quiet soon. :) And good luck with your piano - how exciting!

    1. Thank you! It went well! I'm so glad I was able to rustle up four men.

  2. Good luck with the piano move! Will be lovely to have one no doubt. Enjoy! Yes I feel that way too if there is a lot on and especially when out of our normal rhythm for a while. Sounds like you have had a very busy few weeks. Nice to put things back in order again 🙂 Everything flows better that way I find 🙂

    1. Thank you! We did it and I am so glad it's over! :-)
