Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Third Grade :: Week Two

This new school year has a different feel to it. I'm not sure I could say exactly what it is, but part of it is the feeling that the days move along more quickly now. Our pace hasn't increased, but we've been steadily busy and things feel happier.  Last Friday came and it felt like the week had hardly began.  It is so nice to feel like the easiest part of our days is school time, though I know this won't always be the case.  For now, I will enjoy it.

We finished up some house-building by making a very simple wattle structure beside the playhouse.  Many books from Floris books operate on the idea that one has hazel and willow available all the time.  That's simply not the case, the way we do things in the US, so it was a pleasant thing to find a big pile of green branches right by our driveway.  Our neighbors had cut down a privet (evil things that they are) and gave permission for us to take some.  It's always good to ask, even with unwanted things.  We used metal fence stakes and wove the branches to make a sort of fence.  It's simple, but Willow certainly enjoyed it.

This week, according to the Christopherus syllabus, we are doing math review.  I've recently purchased the Making Math Meaningful source book, and found in it the 105 math facts that everyone should know.  Third grade is a good time to practice these, so we have begun with that.  We used these lovely number cards, and we'll probably bring out the base ten blocks today.

Mike attended a music festival over the weekend as a birthday gift from his family, and he had a dozen water bottles left over.  Willow used these to do various sharing and giving away math questions.  She was so happy to do it!  We even had the chance to see what a remainder looks like when things don't divide evenly.  It was really encouraging to me.

And lastly, for now, our multiplication wheel arrived.  I had bought one with twelve points, but it seems nearly all exercises and instruction operate on a ten-point wheel.  So, I traded it in and I am so glad.  It makes lovely patterns, as you can see with the four times table.  I struggled, honestly, with how to bring times tables to Willow beyond Enki's clapping games.  I don't know that we are really "behind" on that skill, but there is always room for improvement.

And with that, another school day will soon begin, so it's time to scurry around before everyone gets up!


  1. Willow looks like she is enjoying herself. Looks like she is loving learning and putting things into practise. Practical skills are very much suited to the third grade child. We love those number cards too and I just mentioned them on my blog too funnily enough. Just one thing - Hope you aren't teaching her 6 +2=11 😉 Honestly it looks like you are doing a fine job!

    1. No, I think that is nine, just upside down! I never noticed that. :-D

  2. Ps Is that an in caps design Willow is wearing?

    1. It is! It's the one I mentioned when you were writing about your daughter's birthday sweater.

  3. Really lovely scenes from your school days. Willow looks happily busy, like she is thriving. And so cute in all her knitted goods. :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, she seems to really be enjoying things right now. I thought it was interesting that she put all that on in her excitement to work. :-)
