Saturday, June 24, 2017

St. John's Things

The quietest party ever, we had a good time last night. It was sunny and hot, then cloudy and cooler, as rain was blowing our way for the night. We enjoyed the luxuries of the home garden--fresh salad, berries, peas, and radishes. And wee little cupcakes. I tried out two recipes, neither of which really pleased me. Just go with your favorite recipe or a mix. Make a lemon glaze and sprinkle on lavender flowers.

We did have a fire, since it's a fire festival, and it was starting to go very nicely just as we all were starting to feel drowsy.  It was certainly the most active (least active) day we'd had in weeks and weeks.  We sat in the grass and admired the clovers and dodged the smoke.  Yes, we did burn bones, as we had saved some for the occasion.  There was no jumping through the flames this time, since it seemed we had already had enough trials in the last little while.  Next year, always next year.  It is fun for me to connect to the past by observing traditions like that.

Now that we are passing the cross-quarter, it feels like it is time to really focus in the weeks that are ahead.  School planning for the new year has to happen, as does Willow's year-end test.  It really feels like we have lost our rhythm, but it is coming back.  I'm able to read aloud at lunchtime again and I think resuming walks is not far off.  It will help to get out the third grade materials and immerse myself in them.  I think I'll do that after I go pick yet another pail of raspberries.  My mind is already turning to Winter and how we might celebrate the Solstice.  That's the way it goes.


  1. Glad you managed to have a celebration, however small. Steiner says that Midsummer is the time when we are least able to focus - we are drawn out of ourselves and it takes all our energy to come back to ourselves and make plans, so be easy on yourself after your illness and with the Midsummer madness going on. But good for you that things are starting to fall back into place again. A nice steady rhythm is always pick-up-able. Take care

    1. It does feel like everything is mad. We've got some possible bumps in the road to recovery right now and I'm just beside myself.

    2. Bless you all, may these bumps in the road soon smooth out. And breathe....hugs

  2. Happy Birthday Brandy! Hope you have a lovely celebration, with love Anna x
