Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Crafting On :: Sweet Dreams

The nights are warming up, so I've been sewing some cooler nightgowns for the months ahead.  I've been given some fabrics that were just perfect for the patterns--right amounts and everything!

First up is Laurel's.  This is Simplicity 1569, which I have made several times before, and it's a really basic pattern that doesn't use a lot of fabric.  It's easy to size up or down, in addition to nightgown sizing being forgiving, on the whole.  It is too simple, at times, with no facing for the top, but that is easily remedied when needed.

Here's my nightgown--something for ME!  It's Simplicity 9012 and I'm really liking the pattern.  What a I like is that it is just enough--the yoke has no buttons or zippers to fiddle with and it's still modest.  The gown is quite long, with the hem coming down to my toes, but I'm enjoying the seersucker fabric I made it out of.  It was a quick project, perhaps a bit too quick on my part, but I promise I'll take more care in future endeavors.  I needed something cooler right away, and I use this weekly Crafting On post as a personal deadline.

And here's a sweet puppet Willow and I made.  We made this using the same techniques that I outlined here.  The little hands are made using black beans that I snipped in half and the bottom is held neatly with one little stitch.  Willow put the face on with map-making pens.  Simple thread makes up the marionette strings.  It's super sweet!

For more crafting, visit Frontier Dreams.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I look forward to visiting your blog. :-)

  2. So sweet! The nightgowns look cool and cozy, and great job on the puppet, Willow!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to your patterns, too. :-)

  3. Love the nightgowns the fabric for Laurel's is really pretty.

  4. Your nightdresses look lovely. I am still very much in pyjamas - I think I only wear a nightdress for a couple of months a year. I do so feel the cold!

    1. Thanks! Our little house is quite warm in the summer. I wear leggings under flannel gowns in the winter, along with wool socks and a knit hat. :-)
