Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Time to Keep

A Time to Keep by Tasha Tudor, such a sweet book.  My dear friend Elizabeth sent me this book during a hard time over three years ago and it was such a comfort to me.  I still turn to it, as a reminder that time does march on, and that it is important to have family celebrations all the year round.  They are such a comfort.

I had been looking forward to Valentine's Day this year, even with all the upheaval, and we celebrated with enthusiasm.  My parents gave me flowers and chocolates, the first dozen roses I've ever received.  I must admit that I have really been longing for flowers this Winter.  I feel like Mrs. Walton in The Homecoming movie when she says, "I wish it was Spring of the year. . ."

Willow and I planned a day of meals from The Nancy Drew Cookbook and they were a success! I think we have found some new recipes for our daily meals.  I have been reading some of the books in the mornings, fast reader that I am, and they are certainly a fun departure from my usual material. Willow kindly places a new one on my bedside table each day.  I must be entering the Fiction Phase of my life. 

There was cake, of course, because it was a celebration.  Willow, always one to go heavy on the sprinkles, decorated with pigs and hearts.  We all had two pieces.  Laurel was pleased, and we even managed to hide the cake from her until it was time to serve it.

In keeping with the elegance of Nancy Drew's meals, Willow made place cards for us all.  I took extra care to set the table nicely, complete with some of the heart decorations we have made over the years.  I am working with a 55-200 lens these days, so photos are a little hard for me.  I often have to stand on a chair or in another room to get a picture!

I updated the nature table for what it feels like these days.  I think we have moved to the English countryside, where rain is the order of every day.  That is good for the drought that seems to creep in each Autumn.  The Spring bulbs are starting to peak out of the ground, though snow is still a possibility for the next two months.  All the same, it is nice to feel the mood shift toward renewal.  The robins have returned!


  1. Beautiful! A joyous beginning of Spring to all of you! <3

  2. Happy Valentines dear Brandy! 💕That is such a lovely gift from your parents- I am sure you deserve to feel treasured. Flowers are such a balm for the soul, bringing such a happy, healing energy into the home - enjoy their gifts. I sent a friend a small gift of money monthly for a while after her husband died last year and she often used it to treat herself to flowers - a joy in the dark days. So pleased you can see all the spring buds now that speak of new beginnings and eternal hope. Your Valentines decorations are beautiful and it looks like you had a special celebration with your children. It sounds like Willow is being really sweet and helpful. I don't have a fancy camera either and know all about the challenges and climbing on chairs, indoor lighting etc! I think your photos are still beautiful ❤️ Ah is that the Nancy Drew detective series? I used to have hundreds of those books when I was younger/a teen. I literally ate them up- happy memories! Who would have thought there would have been a cookbook too! Do you think the stories would suit an eleven year old? My daughter struggles to find a book that is easy enough to read with plenty of adventure. Look after yourself dear Brandy xx

    1. What a sweet gift you gave your friend. Yes, that is the detective series. Books are such good friends, aren't they? I think they would. There is certainly adventure, and the occasional (or frequent!) kidnapping. The Bobbsey Twins series has less action.

  3. What a lovely Valentine's Day for you all! I'm so pleased that you got flowers - what a beautiful surprise! A Time To Keep is one of our most beloved books. I think about Tasha all the time here. Willow is such a darling - I love her place cards. Spring bulbs... oh, I'm going to plant so many Spring bulbs for next year! You enjoy your lovely flowers and spring renewal. :)

    1. My great grandmother and her sister lived in a bungalow with thousands of flowers that came up each Spring--that's my dream. <3
