Thursday, December 14, 2017

Lucia Morning

Oh, it was a cold start yesterday, but everything was joyful for our special morning. 

After having made that pretty crown bread and lighting the candles, I had to jump back in bed and pretend to be asleep.  

What a dear little star boy Roan was, holding his own candle in the dark, cold morning.  Laurel held up the end with Virginia dressed as a tiny Lucia.  

We had our bread and orange juice in the early light with frosty storm windows.  The story from Christmas Roses fit the morning so well.  The Lucia chapter talks of water turning to wine and animals talking at midnight, along with people waking to work very hard to set the mood for the year.  These are common beliefs for Christmas, I think, and they were held by the Appalachian folk of a hundred years ago. 

We took our procession down the street to my mother's office, adding in the Advent wreath with smaller candles.  I had seen it like this in photos, and it worked well!  Everyone was certainly in awe of Willow's special adornment!  We gave my parents hot tea in a thermos and returned home to go on with our day.  There are times that I feel a little sad, being the only adult here most of the time, but the children were so happy and proud to be Lucia and her attendants.  Their joy is contagious.


  1. That's a lovely celebration you had there. Yes I can see it would be nice to have another adult there to share it with. You do the work of many....well done! You have given your children a great gift.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I try to remember that. It is a big job.

  2. So beautiful,and so bold to go out on the street with your procession!

    1. Thanks! I think people are getting used to our funny processions now. :-D "There's that lady with the kids again." Lantern walks, midsummer fires, evergreen spirals, and trimming holly on the side of main street (in my uncle's yard).
