Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Crafting On :: Flurry of Activity

I'm a day late, but maybe I am just only about five hours late? I'm up early, Lucia crown dough in the oven proofing, wrapped in a blanket and tying up loose ends.  It is 14° F (-10° C) outside and the wind has howled and whistled all night. 

Look!  I made another night shirt.  This is made out of an XXL men's pajama shirt.  It had no back, as I'd used it for a mob cap last year, so I cobbled it together out of the pants legs.  You can't tell a bit.  The sleeves were narrowed and shortened and I moved the pocket over.  Presto!  Night shirt/robe!

Speaking of things cobbled together, I made a beard, too, for a certain fellow to be Santa Claus.  This is made out of the scraps from tailoring a wool sherpa coat a few years ago.  I couldn't bear to throw them away and that was a good thing.  This beard actually works!  Roan tried many paper beards, so he is very happy now.  I also made him a red corduroy sack to carry to gifts in.

Things that are not cobbled together.  The Paris Shawlette is done, done, done! 

Willow and I made some paper star ornaments to give as gifts.  There are others.  I couldn't find them at the time.  Haha!  I'm a little tired of the mess of all this creating.  More than a little tired.  Oh, well.  Willow made herself a Christmas apron (complete with gathers!), too, but my photos weren't so great.

I've started a Hooded Scarf for myself.  Willow wants to own it part-time (that's our joke here), so I may let her.  I'm not much of a fan of knitting five feet of something.  Still, I have wanted one for a long time and this one seems like it will be nice, dense fabric.  It will be worth the work!

I made Willow a new Lucia gown using a pattern I've made before.  I think it will fit right now and not much past--she is so tall!  It is pretty, though, and I will gladly make another next year.

Roan completed his transformation into Star Boy with the hat and wand.  I used the pattern described in Lucia Morning in Sweden, which is very simple.  No tailoring at all, just subtle tweaks to get the neck big enough.  I'll make the sleeves narrower next time.  He made his hat, gluing pieces of regular paper together, and I provided the stars that were used in our Advent spiral a few years ago.

It would not do to leave out Laurel, even though her gown is not new.  I made it years ago now, when Willow was Laurel's age.  Laurel's crown is missing right now, but it will turn up before breakfast.  Right?

Well, the dough is done resting and it's time to get to work on that.  Here's the recipe we're using.

For more crafting, visit Frontier Dreams.


  1. My, you have been busy with all your making. The Santa Lucia outfits are gorgeous - well done! And Rowan's star child one. Just perfect! I love those stars too - lovely present. The Paris shawl is great and the hooded scarf will be fab. Lovely work as ever Brandy! :-)

  2. Oh! I love how you made the crowns! That gives me some inspiration for our own! I've been making new, temporary crowns each year. That looks wonderful! <3

    1. Thanks! I used simple felt from any store and cut out the shapes. I sew them on to a front and them sewed a back on (and elastic), after all the applique was done. That's how I've done birthday crowns, too. Alicia Paulson has a free pattern that you can adapt. :-)

  3. PS I know what you mean about having crafting materials everywhere!!! It often feels quite chaotic here when we are in the middle of a few projects, not to mention getting all the decorations out, card writing materials etc etc....can feel a bit overcrowded at times!

    1. Indeed! I feel the place closing in on me, but I think I made progress yesterday. :-)

  4. WOW, you have been busy! Your Lucia pictures make me want to start that tradition. (This was not the year to attempt!)

    THE NIGHTSHIRT! OMG. That's amazingly adorable and cozy-looking.
