Friday, July 14, 2017

Nature School :: Picnic

I packed a picnic for the children and me yesterday.  A lot of people moan about Winter--I do the same for Summer.  The days seem endless and none of us are really big fans of hot weather.  I blame my Nordic heritage.  Maybe it is my Scotch-Irish history that loves clouds and rain?  I'm happy to have all the wonderful things to eat from the gardens, trees, roadsides, and hedges, but I also enjoy the settled feeling of the colder months after everything has been squirreled away.  So, time to get out of here and see someplace else!

The meal was simple--boiled eggs, dried fruit, cheese, tuna salad and lemon water. We all love our Cuppows. I've even lost a couple, but we've replaced them.  

We drove over to the Fairwood Valley, at the foot of Mount Rogers and the Scales.  This was, historically, a logging town.  There's nothing left now.  With the old growth timber sent out on the train, the town dried up.  The Forest Service took the land in the sixties and it's now meadows for grazing, riding and hiking.  Cows and horses keep the land clear through government contracts.

The Lewis Fork Trail and its Wilderness Area was our destination after our meal.  I had made some promises about wading earlier in the day.  Sure enough, the children did find the water.  I reunited with my wooden flute after two months off.  The water was cold!  They would splash some on me, from time to time, and that was enough to give me a chill.  We didn't last too long, but everyone had a good time.

Here in town, the blackberries are getting ripe.  Up there, well, it's a few weeks off.  August is the time to pick blueberries and blackberries in the High Country.  I look forward to going back, since these are better tasting than what we find here.  I'll admit I prefer mine with a good amount of sweetening.

The last light of the day was making everything golden.  There was no way to capture it, of course.  The mind has to hold onto such things.  Everyone was in much better spirits than when we had left home.  Nature school success.


  1. Your blackberries are ripening. Ours are all done!

    1. Isn't it funny how that goes? In Maine, they are harvesting red raspberries!

  2. I'm with you! I am not much of a summer person and I don't mind the winter. Although it could have to do with the darn humidity. I like a dry heat like in Arizona. It's hot, but not muggy and laden with flying insects like here.
    Can you drink hot liquids with Cuppows? I would assume you need some kind of a sleeve for that?

    1. When our family traveled out West, it didn't seem so hot and it was June. I guess you could drink hot things, but you'd need a cover or one of those can holders.
