Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday Snippets

There are rumors that White Top had rime ice and snow yesterday, but it was lush and green in Hidden Valley.  The picture above is from last Saturday on White Top, in fact.  I wonder how the tender Spring plants fared in the cold weather, though I guess it is just part of the reality of the High Country.

We had a quiet afternoon and evening, with Willow and Roan spending some time with my parents.  It was just Laurel and me for awhile, which rarely happens.  We celebrated, or passed the time, with hot chocolate, swinging, supper with Becky and Tales from the Green Valley.  Oh, and knitting.  I'm finally getting somewhere on my Cyclone Hat and it's kind of exciting.  I can't wait to share a photo of my progress soon.

It's been a whirlwind couple weeks and I'm really ready for some regular, boring days without many places to go.  The garden needs to be planted (and the tilling done!), some sewing needs to happen, and I need to be outside knitting or reading in the shade.  I've been reading some new old books lately--Siblings Without Rivalry and The Highly Sensitive Person.  The first was quite helpful, since I never had siblings of my own, and its given me lots of food for thought (and hope).  I'm just beginning the second title.

It seems like May and April traded places with their weather, but I'm always at the ready with sweaters and hats.  A week ago, I had put in the air conditioner because the humidity was warping the pages in my beloved books and I took it out after we got home, since the weather had turned so cool.  I knew that would happen and I didn't mind it one bit.  Well, time to take care of some loose ends before people wake up.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Siblings without Rivalry and How to Talk... are my favorite parenting books (not that I've read any others). I hope they help you! I find them useful, though not always as useful as they'd like to claim ;)

    1. I would love to hear more about How to Talk when we come to visit. :-) It helped me to see the weight of sibling relationships and how important it is to facilitate them carefully, for sure.

  2. It is freezing here too after a lovely warm April. That sounds lovely having some cosy time with your youngest and the older two with your parents. Everyone is a winner! Its so important to have one to one time with every child I think. Helps with Sibling Rivalry too:-) I read the book a while back and remember there were some useful points. Look forward to seeing your hat!

    1. Yes, everyone seemed refreshed when we got back together. :-) Brrrr! It's chilly this morning.
